This week on Tell Me What to Think, Pete and Charles tell you what to think about…Trump as Commander in Chief. Charles offers his insight on the way President Trump wages war, in Syria, Somalia, Yemen and Afghanistan. Pete offers his continued existential bewilderment over Trump as President. Find our…
Episode 46: Progressivism Post-Midterms
December 12, 2018This week, Pete and Charles Tell You What to Think about…Progressivism Post-Midterms. From Ocasio-Cortez to Ironstache to Bernie Sanders, we sum up the state of the movement after a momentous election. We finish up with a suggestion of a “litmus test” that Progressives must pass, ending the war in Yemen.
Episode 37: Handpicked Crazy People
August 15, 2018In this week’s episode, Pete and Charles have Week Thoughts about atrocities committed on children in Yemen and Pennsylvania, Middling Thoughts on Democratic Socialism’s role in American politics, and Closing Thoughts about the Wisconsin Primaries.